Staying indoors in an air conditioned room can cause dry skin. Those who use air conditioners for at least 8 hours a day may experience flare ups of eczema, rosacea and psoriasis. Likewise, those who are in their cars but have the AC on full blast direct to their faces can experience the harsh effects on their skin too.
Air conditioners work by decreasing the humidity, aka moisture, in the environment. Too much exposure can result in loss of moisture of the skin too. Hence, those with sensitive skin, such as those with eczema, atopic dermatitis, rosacea and psoriasis, may experience worsening of their skin conditions due to prolonged exposure to AC.
What can we do to prevent this?
We can never stress this enough! Drinking enough water will do wonders to your skin and to your overall health. On the average, about 8-10 glasses a day is a healthy goal. Bring with you your flask or water container and avoid getting dehydrated. You can also infuse cucumber, lemon, mint, or add chia seeds to make it a healthier and more refreshing drink.
Immediately after bathing in the morning, lather on your favorite moisturizer! It is best applied while skin is damp. Moisturizers will be more effective if used this way. Sensitive skin should avoid scented products and other additives. Depending on your skin type, some of the ingredients we love are oatmeal, glycerin, lanolin, petrolatum, urea, shea butter, aloe vera, and hyaluronic acid. You need to moisturize both body and face.
You may take regular breaks from staying indoors to stop and rest. This will be good for your skin too, and your eyes (if you’ve been working at your laptop since you clocked in).
In environment where it is really cold, you may use a humidifier. This will not only benefit your skin, but will also protect your nose and respiratory lining, and your eyes. Eyes and your respiratory tract get dry too!
For those with problematic dry skin, taking supplements may benefit them. This is of course in addition to a healthy and balanced diet. Supplements that help maintain skin moisture and keep flare ups at bay are fish oil (omega-3), Vit D, Vit E, Zinc, and evening primrose oil.
We hope these AC SkinTips will keep your skin hydrated despite staying indoors in an air conditioned room.
Cheers for healthy skin!
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